You have conducted your research and now comes the hard part—getting published. While publishing in academic journals is critical for advancing knowledge, getting your research published in a trade journal will expand awareness of your work and its results to a wider audience.
Trade journals have a different set of requirements and expectations than academic journals. You’ll need to present your research in a way that is relevant and interesting to practitioners and other nonacademic audiences.
At the April 18 CARISCA Training Series workshop, Susan Lacefield, the executive editor of CSCMP’s Supply Chain Quarterly, talked about “Crafting a Pitch for a Trade Journal.” She covered key elements of a pitch, providing a hook, how to provide samples, and etiquette for following up.
About the presenter:

Susan Lacefield has served as executive editor of the award-winning official magazine of the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP) for the past five years. In this role, she serves as the primary curator of the publication’s content. She solicits and edits articles from supply chain management subject matter experts, helping them to shape their thought leadership for an audience of supply chain managers and executives.
Lacefield was one of the founding members of the magazine in 2007. She served as senior editor and editor-at-large before becoming executive editor.
Prior to joining Supply Chain Quarterly, she worked at Supply Chain Management Review. Lacefield holds a master’s degree in English from the University of Virginia and bachelor’s degrees in English and history from the College of William & Mary, also in Virginia.