Cases are a great tool to use in class to teach difficult and complex supply chain issues. Supply chain problems are not generally solvable by simply applying an algorithm that provides answers to difficult questions or challenges.
Most published business cases have an American or European context and ignore the realities of Ghanaian and African supply chain managers. On Dec. 4, CARISCA Executive Director Dale S. Rogers hosted an interactive workshop on developing and writing business cases with an African context, in person in Ghana.
Attendees worked together to actually produce cases that can be used in a supply chain course. The cases covered a range of areas including product rollout, procurement, manufacturing, demand management, supply networks, logistics and other areas of interest to attendees.
About the facilitator:

Dale S. Rogers is the ON Semiconductor Professor of Business at Arizona State University and a leading researcher in the fields of reverse logistics, sustainable supply chain management, supply chain finance and secondary markets.
He has authored four books, seven monographs, nearly 30 book chapters, six published cases and 50 refereed journal articles.
In addition to his faculty role, Rogers has extensive experience working with the business sector. He has made more than 400 presentations to professional organizations and taught in executive education programs in the United States, Africa, China, Europe and South America.
Rogers has been inducted into the Council of Supply Chain Management Hall of Fame and the Brazilian Supply Chain Hall of Fame. He also has received distinguished service awards from several industry groups for his impact on the field of supply chain management.