Summit Keynote: Role of Women in the Future World of Work

“You cannot leave half of the population behind and grow your economy. You need everybody taking part in the economic growth of a country and the world at large.”  So pronounced Gayani de Alwis, then-global chairperson of Women in Logistics and Transport (WiLAT), during her keynote speech “Role of Women in the Future World of …

2023 Summit by the numbers graphic

2023 Supply Chain Research Summit Earns High Marks

The third annual Supply Chain Research Summit held in Accra, Ghana, in June was “incredibly successful,” in the words of CARISCA Executive Director Dale Rogers. “It was emotional to me at the end,” said Rogers after the event. “I couldn’t believe how good it was.” Summit participants also gave the conference high marks, with over …

CARISCA scholar learns lesson in success

Many people take a lifetime to understand what really matters in life. Yussif Iddrisu learned it early.  “My own perception of success is, you have the ability to help somebody grow,” says Iddrisu, sales and marketing manager for Kasima, an agricultural supply chain company. “That is where inner peace lies.”  Iddrisu graduated from KNUST in …

LMI webinar graphic

Ghana Logistics Managers Index for Q1 2023

Ghanaian logistics activities have weathered the storms of a near recession mid-2022 and have been resilient in the face of a challeng­ing operating environment. Results from the 2023 first quarter Logistics Managers Index report reveal optimism that the logistics sector is rebounding. The index recorded its highest reading to date, with an overall value of …

Graphic for May 22 CARISCA Training

Qualitative Data Analysis and Report Writing

Qualitative research allows for exploration of how and why phenomena happen, such as why people behave the way they do, compared to quantitative research, which tells us the size and scope of these behaviors. But the data qualitative research generates is often unstructured. To interpret and derive meaningful insights from the data, qualitative researchers apply …