Graphic for May 22 CARISCA Training

Qualitative Data Analysis and Report Writing

Qualitative research allows for exploration of how and why phenomena happen, such as why people behave the way they do, compared to quantitative research, which tells us the size and scope of these behaviors. But the data qualitative research generates is often unstructured. To interpret and derive meaningful insights from the data, qualitative researchers apply …

Graphic for May 4, 2023 SCAN meeting

Supply Chain Traceability: Improving Africa’s Agric and Health Sectors

Supply chain traceability is the key to unlocking the potential of Africa’s agricultural and health sectors. It involves establishing transparent and efficient processes to track and verify the movement of goods throughout the supply chain, from production to consumption. In the rapidly evolving landscape of Africa’s economies, embracing supply chain traceability is a crucial step …

Graphic of lecture by Stephan Wagner

Startups in the Supply Chain Ecosystem—Practice and Research

Startups are associated with innovation, emerging technologies, digitalization and disruptive business models. But the scholarly supply chain, logistics and operations management literature has up to now paid little attention to startups’ role in the supply chain ecosystem.  Stephan Wagner, professor and chair of logistics management at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH Zurich), …

Graphic for April 18 event

Crafting a Pitch for a Trade Journal

You have conducted your research and now comes the hard part—getting published. While publishing in academic journals is critical for advancing knowledge, getting your research published in a trade journal will expand awareness of your work and its results to a wider audience. Trade journals have a different set of requirements and expectations than academic …

Mahyar Eftekhar in classroom

Experimental Research Designs in Supply Chain

More than 150 students, faculty and staff from KNUST and other higher education institutions in Africa gathered in person or virtually April 3 and 4 to learn about conducting experiments. The occasion was CARISCA’s second faculty workshop of the academic year.

Mahyar Eftekhar, an associate professor of supply chain management at Arizona State University, traveled to Ghana to lead the workshop. He shared examples of lab and field experiments he has conducted and talked about the value and power of experimental research.

Graphic for March 21, 2023 training

Selecting a Research Design

The goal of research is to answer questions. Good questions, however, are just the beginning. The second step is how to answer them. With the growth in the number and complexity of research designs and methods, it can be challenging to know how to select the best research design.  Whether you are an academic or applied researcher, …

2022 PhD Dissertation Award presentation

Call for entries: PhD Dissertation Award Competition

As in past years, the 2023 Supply Chain Research Summit will showcase the best logistics and supply chain management PhD research projects being carried out in African higher education institutions. The call for entries is now open. CARISCA will recognize a winner and two runner-ups with a certificate and stipend at the 2023 summit, “Africa’s …

Graphic of training series

From the editor’s perspective: Writing for non-academic audiences

Knowing how to write for nonacademic audiences is a key skill for researchers who want to have an impact beyond professional journals. Industry, institutions, policymakers, the general public and other stakeholders need research findings communicated in simple terms to aid them in decision making. Being able to appeal to a larger audience beyond the academic …

2023 Supply Chain Research Summit Call for Papers

On June 20-22, 2023, CARISCA will host the third annual Supply Chain Research Summit in Ghana. The 2022 summit attracted over 450 participants from 26 countries and featured more than 80 presenters.  In 2023, we are moving the summit to Ghana’s capital, Accra, to accommodate even more supply chain scholars, students and professionals. As in …

CPD graphic with dates

New continuing professional development courses set for 2023

CARISCA is pleased to announce a new series of short courses for supply chain practitioners who want to enhance their professional knowledge and skills. These continuing professional development (CPD) courses are designed to help SCM staff and managers keep pace with changing industry standards and improve supply chain outcomes across Africa. The CPDs are practical, …