Human Resources: Strategic Partner for Services

By Bob Giacometti Traditionally, the role of Personnel, as Human Resources (HR) was once known, centered more on administrative and support activities such as hiring and transferring, maintaining employee records, and administering appraisal, compensation, benefits, equal opportunity, and other employee relations programs. While important, many HR teams still operate outside of the strategic planning process …

How to Influence Patients, and Clients, to "DIY"

                                      By Kathryn K. Eaton Over the last year, I have had the remarkable opportunity to work with the Obesity Solutions Initiative, which is a collaboration between Mayo Clinic and Arizona State University.  My work with this outstanding team of people has been varied and challenging, but my background in marketing has been a perfect …

Why the mint on your pillow matters

By Stephen Mostrom Unless you spend a lot of time in Louisiana, you likely haven’t heard the term “lagniappe.” But this Creole aphorism has the power to transform your business. Defined as “the gift” or “to give more,” lagniappe represents the potential to turn customers into your largest sales force by exceeding expectations. As Stan …

Meet the Center for Services Leadership Team!

As the 24th Annual Compete Through Service Symposium approaches, we thought we would take a few minutes to introduce you to the CSL team. Now that you know us, we’d love to talk to you more at the symposium! Name:  Mary Jo Bitner Where are you from? My home town is Seattle, Washington where I grew …

Targeting Gen Y? Look Before You Leap

By Ruth N. Bolton Gen Y, or the Millennials, are frequently described as narcissistic compared with previous generations; they “want it all” and “want it now.”  Yet, we are also told that they have higher levels of civic engagement – just look at the Arab Spring! Can both be true? Is it even possible to …

Unraveling some of the Mysteries of Factors Driving Innovation Success

By Douglas Olsen Innovation is often cloaked in some degree of mystery – a black box where “change happens” and the world is transformed. Success is often fleeting, and, when failure does occur, there is usually a multitude of views as to what went wrong, with the only commonality being “it was the other guy’s …