The Next Wave of Service Delivery: Success Accelerators!

By Randy Wootton The Challenge Today, more and more companies depend on software as a service (SaaS) to operate essential parts of their business, such as managing their relationships with customers, driving sales performance, and maintaining employee communication. As the industry and surrounding ecosystem that delivers these services matures, it faces a growing demand for accountability and results. …

Service Innovation – The Experience Is Not Enough

By Lance A. Bettencourt I just got off a flight from Indianapolis to Chicago. Checking my email, I see a survey from American Airlines. They want to know: “How was the flight experience?” I’m on a flight right now from Chicago to Montreal. Guess what will be in my email inbox when I arrive? As a …

Center for Services Leadership Presents the 24th Annual Compete Through Service Symposium

Compete Through Service Symposium featured in AZ Business Magazine:  “Now in its 24th year, the Compete Through Service Symposium, hosted by the Center for Services Leadership at the W. P. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University,  brings together the most innovative business minds and visionary thought leaders in engaging, enlightening environment to share ideas that …

Thoughts on Summer 2013 Services Conferences

by Mary Jo Bitner At QUIS reception in Karlstad. Above, left to right: Dr. Laurel Anderson (ASU), Dr. Mary Jo Bitner (ASU), Dr. Inger Roos (Karlstad University). Below, left to right: Dr. Paul Fombelle (Northeastern University), Daniele Mathras, PhD Student (ASU), Jon Engstrom, PhD Student (Linkoping University).  Summer is “conference season” for those of us in …