Where Does the Employee Fit in a Service Operation?

By: David Bowen In the classic 1978 HBR article, “Where does the customer fit in a service operation?” Richard Chase described the impact of high or low customer contact on the efficiency of the service production system. The article also posed the question, “What do you, (a service operation), have to give up in order …

New Member Spotlight – Announcing the CSL’s Global Partnership with Philips Lighting

The CSL’s member companies and board members are key partners and contributors to the Center.  We are happy to announce our most recent partnership with Philips Lighting, a leading provider of solutions and applications for both professional and consumer markets.  Philips has a strong motivation for partnering with the Center and notes that the rapidly …

SERVICE EXPEDITION: Exploring Services from the Customer’s Point of View

JOIN US ON A SERVICE EXPEDITION: Exploring Services from the Customer’s Point of View on January 15th, 2016! We invite you to experience a set of integrated service design frameworks that, when used together, are a powerful tool for creating and sustaining customer experience that is aligned with your organization’s brand and customer experience strategy 1. Service …

Aligning Business Model & Culture to Maximize the Analytics Opportunity

In a recent blog post Analytics in Services: Actions versus Talk, we reviewed how companies are applying big data and analytics for both internal and external uses. That review led to a survey and executive panel discussion at the November 2015 Arizona State University Center for Services Leadership (CSL) Annual Compete Through Service Symposium where we further explored adoption rates, challenges, and lessons learned.

The Service Profit Chain: Reloaded

By: Joe Wheeler Just over 20 years since its first publication, the Service Profit Chain still appears in the presentations of leading companies at conferences around the world. Perhaps no other management model has survived the test of time and scrutiny by both business and academic leaders. Why? Well, perhaps the premise is difficult to …

Study finds anger can overwhelm happiness during holidays

A new study found that feelings of anger can overcome feelings of joy during the holiday season for those who seek shopping help through customer service.

Source: ktar.com

“ASU’s 2015 Customer Rage Survey found about 54 percent of people will have an issue with a product or service they receive”

What You Need to Know about the Impact of Service Crises

In sum, companies should focus on a stable (and good) service performance level. Such performance level has the best outcomes for customers’ service assessment, and takes much less effort compared to constant adjustments needed in response to peaks and troughs in service performance. A good and stable performance, in turn, is a strong argument for companies in their communication to customers, as it may engender favorable perceptions of the service quality.

2015 Compete Through Service Symposium: Recap in Pictures

Thank you everyone who attended Compete Through Service Symposium this year!  You made it another great event! Mark your calendars for the next year’s Symposium, which will take place on October 26-28th, 2016. We look forward to seeing you there!

Leading a Culture of Service

By: Christine McHugh My experience in customer service started in middle school, working for my grandparents at their retail gift shop.  Subsequently, a stint as a restaurant hostess and then a receptionist at a hair salon led me to managing a chain of espresso carts in Seattle where I enjoyed making coffee and talking with …