Analytics in Services: Actions Versus Talk

The INSIGHT Group / CSL CTS Symposium Survey Panel By Ed Petrozelli By all accounts, the use of big data and analytics is exploding. Ironically, relatively little hard analysis has been done to assess exactly how it is being applied, and to what effect – especially as it relates to services. So, as has been …

Shared Lessons for Customer Service and Field Service Organizations

By Jeffrey Wartgow In preparation for this year’s upcoming Compete Through Service Symposium, I took time to reflect on the trends that will impact field service over the coming years. After sifting through analyst reports, notes from customer meetings, and other industry insights, some major themes kept surfacing – and one overarching idea emerged:  what …

The 6 Factors that Influence Product Development Success + The Importance of Being Agile

By Riccardo de Marchi Trevisan At the recent Frontiers in Service conference in San Jose, CA, I had the pleasure of introducing a presentation from 3Pillar Global, Rockbridge Associates and the Center for Excellence in Service at the University of Maryland’s Robert H. Smith School of Business that was up for the Best Practitioner award. The …

Internet-of-Everything and the Future of Service

By Darima Fotheringham Two weeks ago I attended Frontiers in Service, (#frontiersinservice) a global conference on service research. This year, the conference was sponsored by IBM and a lot of discussion was around the Internet-of-Things (IoT) or Internet-of-Everything, as it was frequently referred to. One of the presentations that I found especially interesting was by Irene Ng, …

Examining the Student Experience Using Service Blueprinting (EDUCAUSE Review) |

“Students often face problems accomplishing their goals because colleges and universities have poor processes. Service blueprinting, a type of process map, focuses on the student (or customer) experience and illuminates things an organization can do to identify and fix problem processes.” In her recent EDUCAUSE article Nancy Stephens shares 3 different examples of how Service Blueprinting can …

What You Need to Know When Migrating your Customers to Digital Channels

By Peter C. Verhoef Firms constantly re-evaluate their service channels. Customers are serviced through multiple channels, but usually use their preferred channel most frequently. However, some channels are more costly for the companies than other channels. Channels involving service employees, such as call centers, are much more expensive, especially when compared to the digital self-service …

See the Experience You Are Giving Customers

By Nancy Stephens What does it feel like to do business with you? Customer experience is the new field of competition. In most service industries, all competitors are technically on par. All banks, airlines, universities and other service companies perform the necessary core functions. The quality of the experience they offer is what often drives buyer …

The Next Wave of Service Delivery: Success Accelerators!

By Randy Wootton The Challenge Today, more and more companies depend on software as a service (SaaS) to operate essential parts of their business, such as managing their relationships with customers, driving sales performance, and maintaining employee communication. As the industry and surrounding ecosystem that delivers these services matures, it faces a growing demand for accountability and results. …