Transformative Service Research: A Multidisciplinary Perspective on Service and Well-being

Interview with Laurel Anderson and Amy Ostrom, Editors of the Special Issue of Journal of Service Research, Transformative Service Research: A Multidisciplinary Perspective on Service and Well-being In August of this year Journal Service Research published a highly anticipated special issue on Transformative Service Research, a Multidisciplinary Perspective on Service and Well-being. The entire issue will …

Examining the Student Experience Using Service Blueprinting (EDUCAUSE Review) |

“Students often face problems accomplishing their goals because colleges and universities have poor processes. Service blueprinting, a type of process map, focuses on the student (or customer) experience and illuminates things an organization can do to identify and fix problem processes.” In her recent EDUCAUSE article Nancy Stephens shares 3 different examples of how Service Blueprinting can …

Being Your Customer's Hero: Interview with Adam Toporek.

Your new book, Be Your Customer’s Hero, is launching next week. Tell us, what inspired you to write this book? My desire to write this book came from the old business axiom of “find a need and fill it.” However, the need I was filling was first and foremost my own. Be Your Customer’s Hero …

What You Need to Know When Migrating your Customers to Digital Channels

By Peter C. Verhoef Firms constantly re-evaluate their service channels. Customers are serviced through multiple channels, but usually use their preferred channel most frequently. However, some channels are more costly for the companies than other channels. Channels involving service employees, such as call centers, are much more expensive, especially when compared to the digital self-service …

Martin Mende on Coproduction of Transformative Services

Read an interview with the CSL Faculty Network Member Martin Mende, Florida State University, on Management INK blog: Martin Mende on Coproduction of Transformative Services. In this interview, Martin Mende discusses his research featured in the article “Coproduction of Transformative Services as a Pathway to Improved Consumer Well-Being: Findings from a Longitudinal Study on Financial Counseling” published in Journal of …

5 Ways Company Culture Can Improve Your Customer Experience

It was Mark Twain who said “if you tell the truth you don’t have to remember anything.” However most companies don’t onboard, educate and train employees thoroughly so when they tell “the truth” it can come out as verbal garbage (as displayed by… Source:

When Can Service Benefit from Customer Participation? The Role of Participation Readiness

By Beibei Dong As customers, we are increasingly participating in service production and delivery. We can be collaborating with service providers, for example by designing medical treatment plan with doctors. We are self-serving ourselves by using a grocery self-checkout or assembling IKEA furniture. With the proliferation of self-service technologies, customer participation has become an important …

What is your Customer Experience Strategy? Are you a Vanguard, Transformer or Preserver?

Interview with Phil Klaus, the author of a new book “Measuring Customer Experience: How to Develop and Execute the Most profitable Customer Experience Strategies”. This interview concludes a series of CSL posts about Customer Experience Strategy by Phil Klaus: Demystifying The Black Box – How To Design, Manage, And Measure The Most Profitable Customer Experience (CX) Strategies …

Bruce Temkin on Service Innovation, New Trends and Challenges Faced by Service Companies.

By Darima Fotheringham Bruce Temkin, CCXP, is a Co-Founder & Chair of the Customer Experience Professionals Association and the Managing Partner of Temkin Group. He is widely viewed as a leading expert in how large organizations build differentiation with customer experience. As the Managing Partner, he consults for leading global companies, is a keynote speaker at top …

The Next Wave of Service Delivery: Success Accelerators!

By Randy Wootton The Challenge Today, more and more companies depend on software as a service (SaaS) to operate essential parts of their business, such as managing their relationships with customers, driving sales performance, and maintaining employee communication. As the industry and surrounding ecosystem that delivers these services matures, it faces a growing demand for accountability and results. …