Aligning Business Model & Culture to Maximize the Analytics Opportunity

In a recent blog post Analytics in Services: Actions versus Talk, we reviewed how companies are applying big data and analytics for both internal and external uses. That review led to a survey and executive panel discussion at the November 2015 Arizona State University Center for Services Leadership (CSL) Annual Compete Through Service Symposium where we further explored adoption rates, challenges, and lessons learned.

What You Need to Know about the Impact of Service Crises

In sum, companies should focus on a stable (and good) service performance level. Such performance level has the best outcomes for customers’ service assessment, and takes much less effort compared to constant adjustments needed in response to peaks and troughs in service performance. A good and stable performance, in turn, is a strong argument for companies in their communication to customers, as it may engender favorable perceptions of the service quality.

Analytics in Services: Actions Versus Talk

The INSIGHT Group / CSL CTS Symposium Survey Panel By Ed Petrozelli By all accounts, the use of big data and analytics is exploding. Ironically, relatively little hard analysis has been done to assess exactly how it is being applied, and to what effect – especially as it relates to services. So, as has been …

How Valuable Are the Net Promoter Score and Other Customer Feedback Metrics?

By Evert de Haan and Peter Verhoef A large and growing amount of firms rely on Customer Feedback Metrics (CFMs) to monitor the customer base and the performance of the marketing department. Examples of these metrics include Customer Satisfaction (CS) and the Net Promoter Score (NPS). Recently, new customer feedback metrics, such as the Customer Effort Score …

Extended Service Warranties: Why Are They Purchased?

By: Rajiv K. Sinha Warranties have traditionally been used as a means to signal to potential customers that the product is high-quality and to allay customers’ anxiety over purchasing a new product of unknown reliability. However, given large increases in reliability as well as the level of commoditization in consumer electronics markets, the value of …