ServiceFriday: The Benefits of In-Store Sampling

We all love to shop at stores like Costco, where samples can be found throughout the aisles for us to enjoy while perusing. Many other grocery and retail stores have taken up this practice as well with the goal to increase customer sales and store loyalty. While this may be an effective strategy to convince …

ServiceFriday: Culture Affects Perception of Service

Service failures can make or break a company’s competitive edge, but the degree to which this can affect a company can change dramatically across different cultures. Globalization has allowed for businesses to reach consumers all around the world, but many are failing to manage behavioral responses to failures based on culture, and are mistakenly focusing …

ServiceFriday: How Do Consumers Feel About Rebranding?

Over the years, certain well-known brand names have become synonymous with the product or service they deliver, such as Netflix, Kleenex, Q-Tips, and Scotch Tape. Consumers become attached and place feelings of loyalty to not only these products, but to the names. What happens to this loyalty and willingness to buy when a company chooses …

ServiceFriday: Confidence is Key – The Uncertain Consumer and Attribute Alignment

Is there any real difference between choosing a fast food place for dinner and choosing a pediatrician for your child? Absolutely there is, but the reason goes beyond the context of the service’s impact. One is an experience service, which is a service with attributes that can be evaluated with actual experience of the service. …

ServiceFriday: How to Attract Customer Attention in a Digital Age

As shopping is on its way to becoming an exclusively online process, how can retailers capture the attention of consumers in an environment where the focus is much narrower than in a physical store? In an article written by Barbara Kahn, she presents the research found to determine consumer patterns of attention and which aspects …

ServiceFriday: Fee vs. Free – What Consumers Really Like

Logic would have us believe a free product will sell faster than one that costs money. However, research has proven otherwise when dealing with price promotions, the results of which were published in the Journal of Retailing. A common form of price promotion is “to offer consumers upgrades of their purchased products at a special …

Changing Customer Behavior- Is it possible?

By: Per Kristensson During the past decade, customers have displayed overwhelmingly positive attitudes toward environmentally-friendly offerings. However, their actual behavior does not mirror these attitudes. Do you think it would be possible to change customer behavior to make them greener? In a market research study carried out in the U.S., 67% of surveyed respondents claimed …