25th Annual Compete Through Service Symposium Recap in Pictures

Compete through Service Symposium is an annual event hosted by the Center for Services Leadership at W. P. Carey School of Business, ASU. It brings insights from inspirational business and academic thought leaders on competing profitably through service.

Meet the Center for Services Leadership Team

To kick off the 2014 Compete Through Service symposium, we would like to introduce you to our team. We look forward to connecting with you this week at the symposium! Meet Mary Jo Bitner: What is your favorite place to visit in Arizona?   Flagstaff, in the summer or fall. Other than ASU, what college team …

The Next Wave of Service Delivery: Success Accelerators!

By Randy Wootton The Challenge Today, more and more companies depend on software as a service (SaaS) to operate essential parts of their business, such as managing their relationships with customers, driving sales performance, and maintaining employee communication. As the industry and surrounding ecosystem that delivers these services matures, it faces a growing demand for accountability and results. …

Differentiating on the Human Experience to Drive Customer Loyalty and Growth

By M. Bridget Duffy, MD In an era that challenges healthcare organizations to do more with fewer resources, patient experience is often considered an add-on. However, in an increasingly competitive environment, organizations can no longer solely focus on stripping out waste and reducing costs. A growing body of evidence points to the human experience as …

Service Innovation – The Experience Is Not Enough

By Lance A. Bettencourt I just got off a flight from Indianapolis to Chicago. Checking my email, I see a survey from American Airlines. They want to know: “How was the flight experience?” I’m on a flight right now from Chicago to Montreal. Guess what will be in my email inbox when I arrive? As a …

Why the mint on your pillow matters

By Stephen Mostrom Unless you spend a lot of time in Louisiana, you likely haven’t heard the term “lagniappe.” But this Creole aphorism has the power to transform your business. Defined as “the gift” or “to give more,” lagniappe represents the potential to turn customers into your largest sales force by exceeding expectations. As Stan …