ServiceFriday: Is Sharing Caring? – The Growth of Shared Economy Services

In the past decade, few industries have grown as much as the sharing economy services (SESs) industry. SESs use cloud-based technology to match customers with providers that offer services such as house rentals, car rides and labor tasks. Some of the more popular SESs include Uber, Lyft, and Airbnb. Technological advances have helped lead to …

ServiceFriday: Invest in Divestment – How to Avoid Customer Revenge

It’s cheaper to keep a customer then to attain a new one is how the old saying goes, but what happens when the time comes for service providers to divest from customer service contracts? Divestment occurs by contract demotion (cutting back services) or termination and “is not based on mutual agreement but solely on the …

ServiceFriday: Interesting Reads for Service and Beyond

Welcome to the CSL’s “ServiceFriday”. Each Friday we post three summaries from some of our favorite sources from research literature, news articles, blogs, and more. The posts are curated to cover topics that are interesting, relevant, and thought provoking in the realm of service, business, education, and beyond. If you like our blog and posts, …

ServiceFriday: The Benefits of In-Store Sampling

We all love to shop at stores like Costco, where samples can be found throughout the aisles for us to enjoy while perusing. Many other grocery and retail stores have taken up this practice as well with the goal to increase customer sales and store loyalty. While this may be an effective strategy to convince …

ServiceFriday: Culture Affects Perception of Service

Service failures can make or break a company’s competitive edge, but the degree to which this can affect a company can change dramatically across different cultures. Globalization has allowed for businesses to reach consumers all around the world, but many are failing to manage behavioral responses to failures based on culture, and are mistakenly focusing …

ServiceFriday: How Do Consumers Feel About Rebranding?

Over the years, certain well-known brand names have become synonymous with the product or service they deliver, such as Netflix, Kleenex, Q-Tips, and Scotch Tape. Consumers become attached and place feelings of loyalty to not only these products, but to the names. What happens to this loyalty and willingness to buy when a company chooses …

ServiceFriday: Interesting Reads for Service and Beyond

Welcome to the CSL’s “ServiceFriday”. Each Friday we post three summaries from some of our favorite sources from research literature, news articles, blogs, and more. The posts are curated to cover topics that are interesting, relevant, and thought provoking in the realm of service, business, education, and beyond. If you like our blog and posts, …

ServiceFriday: Feel the Beat: In-store Music’s Impact on Customer Spending

In recent years, Black Friday weekend has seen a decrease in people visiting physical stores, but it still is the busiest time of the year for shopping thanks to online avenues. One common reason shoppers are choosing to visit a store’s website rather than going in to a physical store is the high social density …