ServiceFriday: No Checkouts – The Ultimate Self Service

With the launch of Standard Market in September 2018, the first physical supermarket operated by the startup Standard Cognition, the company is entering the test phase of what could be the future of brick-and-mortar grocery stores. The special thing here? The store does not have any checkouts. Instead, the store is equipped with 27 cameras …

ServiceFriday: Robots on the Frontline and the Future of Services

“By 2020, it is estimated that 85 percent of all customer interactions will take place without a human agent”. To improve their customer experience, speed up the process of service recovery and cut costs, services management increasingly starts to rely on automatized solutions, so-called “service robots” to handle the customer interactions. In a recent research …

New CSL White Paper – Customer Success in the Age of Data

Customer Success in the Age of Data – Partnering with Customers for Mutual Success Customer Success (CS) is a new concept helping companies find ways to retain customers and maximize revenues in a business environment characterized by big data, changing modes of consumption and new business models.  The latest white paper produced by the CSL, along …

Your Best Bet: Finding the Right Model

What does betting on the ponies have to do with marketing? Back in the late 1970s, Professor of Marketing Ruth Bolton and her husband, Professor Randall Chapman, saw an opportunity to try out a new tool to explore one of the foundational questions in marketing: how do people make decisions about brands? Chapman had studied …

Why Data-Driven Growth is so Difficult

Many executives get excited about the huge potential the new digital world offers to their organizations. Yet despite the billions of profits assumed to be accessible through digitalization, only a fraction of this new wealth is realized. Our project, fashionably entitled “From Big Data to Big Business”, reveals the challenges executives face on their journal …

Leveraging Big Data Analytics to Create Value

Interview with Professor Peter C. Verhoef, a co-author of the new book Creating Value with Big Data Analytics: Making Smart Marketing Decisions. Podcast Transcript This podcast was brought to you by the Center for Services Leadership, a ground-breaking research center in the W. P. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University. The Center for Services …

Hub-of-All-Things: Breaking Data Silos for a Better Service

The advent of the Internet-of-Things (IoT) in today’s world of connected things and connected people has made it possible for firms to harvest lots of real-time customer data – information from people and objects, and indeed everything. This is compounded by individuals spending much of their time generating data for others about our lives, placing …

Aligning Business Model & Culture to Maximize the Analytics Opportunity

In a recent blog post Analytics in Services: Actions versus Talk, we reviewed how companies are applying big data and analytics for both internal and external uses. That review led to a survey and executive panel discussion at the November 2015 Arizona State University Center for Services Leadership (CSL) Annual Compete Through Service Symposium where we further explored adoption rates, challenges, and lessons learned.