Strategic Service Institute: Looking Under the Hood of Service Offerings

You arrive at your destination on time, but your luggage doesn’t—and when it does, it’s somebody else’s. That’s a spectacular service failure, and one that’s easy to describe. But not all bad service experiences are as clear cut. Sometimes a customer will be unhappy about her interactions with your company, but she won’t be able …

Strategic Service Institute: Is Your Firm Agile?

Strategic Service Institute: Is Your Firm Agile? What does success look like in our fast evolving environment? If you are picturing only the service delivery that is currently wowing your customers, you might find rough road ahead. “Companies and their leaders must be evolving one service while at the same time thinking about the next,” …

Strategic Service Institute: Implement Excellence Now While Innovating for Tomorrow

Is the customer experience at your company frictionless? Douglas Olsen, faculty director of the Strategic Service Institute, describes the omni-channel customer experience this way. A customer starts by searching online. Then she goes to the physical store where she looks at the product, but also continues her on her phone for other choices, merchants and …