Compete Through Service Symposium

The annual Compete Through Service Symposium is only conference of its kind that brings the most innovative minds in business and engaging academic thought leaders together to advance the science of service. It is where you will experience in-depth education specifically designed to help you face the challenges of competing and profiting through service. Registration …

Remember What Your Mother Used to Say: Share, Trust, and Play Nice

With increasing frequency, technology is providing elements of customer care that used to be handled by people. The apps on our phones, the internet of things and artificial intelligence (AI) have already revolutionized the way we interact, and that transformation is projected to accelerate. But author Jeanne Bliss reminds us that interactions with our colleagues …

Talk Amongst Yourselves: The Importance of Widening the Technology Discussion

Companies be warned. People have troubling concerns about emerging technologies that would probably surprise your managers and executives — and these people include employees as well as customers. As a society, the big kitchen-table talk that we need to be having concerns our fears about the ways our role as humans may change in the future. …

Ethics: Maintain Bright Lines – Interview with Dr. Marianne Jennings

Click Here to Listen to Audio the Podcast with Dr. Marianne Jennings Transcript:  For 40 years, Marianne Jennings has been teaching students and companies about ethical behavior in business settings. Professor emeritus of legal and ethical studies at the W. P. Carey School of Business, Jennings is the author of The Seven Signs of Ethical …

The Service Profit Chain: Reloaded

By: Joe Wheeler Just over 20 years since its first publication, the Service Profit Chain still appears in the presentations of leading companies at conferences around the world. Perhaps no other management model has survived the test of time and scrutiny by both business and academic leaders. Why? Well, perhaps the premise is difficult to …

Capitalize on Annual Planning to Manage Customers as Assets

By: Jeanne Bliss Over the last ten years I’ve become convinced that annual planning is the Achilles’ heel of customer experience. It is at the root of what inhibits the most efficient investment on priority investments in customer driven growth. That is because annual planning usually starts with the silos, not the customer asset, and not …

Analytics in Services: Actions Versus Talk

The INSIGHT Group / CSL CTS Symposium Survey Panel By Ed Petrozelli By all accounts, the use of big data and analytics is exploding. Ironically, relatively little hard analysis has been done to assess exactly how it is being applied, and to what effect – especially as it relates to services. So, as has been …

A Great Customer Experience Isn’t Something You Can Script

By: John Abraham Several years ago, I met a successful customer service director in a retail bank. She had led the charge to bring customer experience thinking into the bank’s branch operations and call centers, defining how the company’s brand promise should be reflected in customer interactions. In fact, they had developed a specific greeting …

Bruce Temkin on Service Innovation, New Trends and Challenges Faced by Service Companies.

By Darima Fotheringham Bruce Temkin, CCXP, is a Co-Founder & Chair of the Customer Experience Professionals Association and the Managing Partner of Temkin Group. He is widely viewed as a leading expert in how large organizations build differentiation with customer experience. As the Managing Partner, he consults for leading global companies, is a keynote speaker at top …