ServiceFriday: Smart to Be Skeptical? Why Consumers Resist Smart Services

– Written by Jack Lechich for the Center for Services Leadership Shortly after arriving at ASU, I met one of my most quirkiest and hilarious friends who also happens to be Sparky. Obviously I cannot divulge the identity of our favorite Sun Devil, but I will let you know one thing about him: when he’s …

ServiceFriday: We All Just Want to be Part of the In-Crowd

 – Written by Natalie Both for the Center for Services Leadership The need for social relationships and a feeling of belonging is at the heart of our most innate desires as human beings. Every act we perform in our daily lives is in some way affected by what has been determined to be our role in …

ServiceFriday: Interesting Reads for Service and Beyond

Welcome to the CSL’s “ServiceFriday”. Each Friday we post three summaries from some of our favorite sources from research literature, news articles, blogs, and more. The posts are curated to cover topics that are interesting, relevant, and thought provoking in the realm of service, business, education, and beyond. If you like our blog and posts, …

Strategic Service Institute: Looking Under the Hood of Service Offerings

You arrive at your destination on time, but your luggage doesn’t—and when it does, it’s somebody else’s. That’s a spectacular service failure, and one that’s easy to describe. But not all bad service experiences are as clear cut. Sometimes a customer will be unhappy about her interactions with your company, but she won’t be able …

ServiceFriday: Interesting Reads for Service and Beyond

Welcome to the CSL’s “ServiceFriday”. Each Friday we post three summaries from some of our favorite sources from research literature, news articles, blogs, and more. The posts are curated to cover topics that are interesting, relevant, and thought provoking in the realm of service, business, education, and beyond. If you like our blog and posts, …

ServiceFriday: Interesting Reads for Service and Beyond

Welcome to the CSL’s “ServiceFriday”. Each Friday we post three summaries from some of our favorite sources from research literature, news articles, blogs, and more. The posts are curated to cover topics that are interesting, relevant, and thought provoking in the realm of service, business, education, and beyond. If you like our blog and posts, …

ServiceFriday: Interesting Reads for Service and Beyond

Welcome to the CSL’s “ServiceFriday”. Each Friday we post three summaries from some of our favorite sources from research literature, news articles, blogs, and more. The posts are curated to cover topics that are interesting, relevant, and thought provoking in the realm of service, business, education, and beyond. If you like our blog and posts, …

ServiceFriday: Interesting Reads for Service and Beyond

Welcome to the CSL’s “ServiceFriday”. Each Friday we post three summaries from some of our favorite sources from research literature, news articles, blogs, and more. The posts are curated to cover topics that are interesting, relevant, and thought provoking in the realm of service, business, education, and beyond. If you like our blog and posts, …

ServiceFriday: Interesting Reads for Service and Beyond

Welcome to the CSL’s “ServiceFriday”. Each Friday we post three summaries from some of our favorite sources from research literature, news articles, blogs, and more. The posts are curated to cover topics that are interesting, relevant, and thought provoking in the realm of service, business, education, and beyond. If you like our blog and posts, …