CSL’s Executive Director Emeritus Mary Jo Bitner Receives Honorary Doctorate

– Interview conducted and post written by Jack Lechich for the Center for Services Leadership On October 25, the Hanken School of Economics in Helsinki, Finland conferred the CSL’s own Executive Director Emeritus Mary Jo Bitner an Honorary Doctor of Hanken for her contributions as a leader and pioneer in the development of the service …

Webinar: A Conversation with Mary Jo Bitner

You are invited to attend a live webinar on Wednesday May 15 with CSL Executive Director Thomas Hollmann, who will sit down with Mary Jo Bitner, Executive Director Emeritus of the CSL, for a wide-ranging discussion on the impact and influence Mary Jo has had on the science and practice of services over the past …

Top Echelon: Journal of Service Research

Academic research is a deep vein of insights for business. The best research inspires further academic inquiry, and as the new ideas move into the practice of business via the popular press, textbooks, classrooms and executive education, research proves itself a well-spring of innovation. In June, the Journal of Service Research (JSR) was ranked No. …

Meet the Center for Services Leadership Team!

As the 24th Annual Compete Through Service Symposium approaches, we thought we would take a few minutes to introduce you to the CSL team. Now that you know us, we’d love to talk to you more at the symposium! Name:  Mary Jo Bitner Where are you from? My home town is Seattle, Washington where I grew …