New CSL White Paper – Customer Success in the Age of Data

Customer Success in the Age of Data – Partnering with Customers for Mutual Success Customer Success (CS) is a new concept helping companies find ways to retain customers and maximize revenues in a business environment characterized by big data, changing modes of consumption and new business models.  The latest white paper produced by the CSL, along …

Edge: Helping Youth Get that First Job

The Center for Services Leadership is helping develop a customer service curriculum aimed at youth between the ages of 16 and 24 who are not in school and not working. This is the first time that the Center is involved in delivering customer service education to those who will man the front line. The music …

Strategic Service Institute: Form a Crack Team to Solve Your Service Performance Issues

“Attending the ASU Strategic Services Institute was an outstanding way for our team to spend some valuable time immersed among talented individuals and CSL experts. Chaos in today’s service industry driven by changing expectations was reinforced. The surprise for me came in the thoughtful and execution-oriented way to put the customer ‘lens’ front and center with …

Ethics: Maintain Bright Lines – Interview with Dr. Marianne Jennings

Click Here to Listen to Audio the Podcast with Dr. Marianne Jennings Transcript:  For 40 years, Marianne Jennings has been teaching students and companies about ethical behavior in business settings. Professor emeritus of legal and ethical studies at the W. P. Carey School of Business, Jennings is the author of The Seven Signs of Ethical …

Top Echelon: Journal of Service Research

Academic research is a deep vein of insights for business. The best research inspires further academic inquiry, and as the new ideas move into the practice of business via the popular press, textbooks, classrooms and executive education, research proves itself a well-spring of innovation. In June, the Journal of Service Research (JSR) was ranked No. …

Capitalize on Annual Planning to Manage Customers as Assets

By: Jeanne Bliss Over the last ten years I’ve become convinced that annual planning is the Achilles’ heel of customer experience. It is at the root of what inhibits the most efficient investment on priority investments in customer driven growth. That is because annual planning usually starts with the silos, not the customer asset, and not …

Analytics in Services: Actions Versus Talk

The INSIGHT Group / CSL CTS Symposium Survey Panel By Ed Petrozelli By all accounts, the use of big data and analytics is exploding. Ironically, relatively little hard analysis has been done to assess exactly how it is being applied, and to what effect – especially as it relates to services. So, as has been …

The Victuous Cycle

By Terry Cain EVERY EMPLOYEE, EVERY MINUTE, EVERY DAY…Making memorable moments for our customers…yeah, right!!! This idea of ‘culture eating strategy for breakfast’ applies to having a consistent customer experience via a consistency in the culture. Our cultures have cycles of virtue and cycles of vicious. Which cycle are you in? The Virtuous Cycle of …

Interview with Dr. Doug Olsen, Faculty Director of Services Leadership Institute

In preparation for the 29th annual Services Leadership Institute (SLI), March 30 – April 1st,  2015, we sat down with Doug Olsen, SLI Faculty Director and Associate Professor of Marketing at W.P. Carey School of Business, ASU, to talk about some of the highlights of this year’s program. 1. This year marks the 29thoffering of the Service Leadership Institute. I …

Put Your Customers to Work? Not So Fast!

By Lan Xia With the support of new technologies, companies are gradually realizing the importance and benefits of co-creation, where the value of a service is increasingly co-created by the firm and the customer. Consumers are increasingly put to work for the services they demand, from carrying their own food in fast-food restaurants to creating …