ServiceFriday: Cold as Ice: When Cold Temperatures Increase Product Evaluation

– Written by Jack Lechich for the Center for Services Leadership The English language sure can be confusing, especially when it comes to the United States. Take the word “cold” for example. I don’t know of any other place where cold can be used to describe the temperature as well as be used as an …

ServiceFriday: Trending Up – The Differences Among Trendsetter Groups

– Written by Jack Lechich for the Center for Services Leadership The year is 2020 and being an Instagram model is now a profession. While it might seem that everyone is attempting to be an influencer or trendsetter in some capacity nowadays, not everyone can be. One’s identity in terms of which trendsetter group (i.e. …

ServiceFriday: Sense of Humor – Humor’s Impact on Consumer Behavior

– Written by Jack Lechich for the Center for Services Leadership Rodney Dangerfield, Robin Williams, Jerry Seinfeld, Dave Chappelle and Chris Rock all have one thing in common – other than being some of this author’s all-time favorite stand-up comedians – and that commonality is that people flock(ed) to them. But even more recent comedians …